Beadwork Tutorial - Marcia's Lace Necklace - INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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Marcia's Lace was designed and created by Melissa Ingram, the design was so popular with the Editor that it appeared on the cover of Australian Beading magazine. Marcia's Lace necklace featured in this magazine as a Masterclass project. To complete this design you will need to understand even count peyote, picot and netting stitches which are off loom beadweaving stitches. Instructions for these stitches are not included with this tutorial. The design includes lots of Swarovski crystal beads in various sizes and a large fancy stone and glass cylinder beads; of course the design can be adapted to use other beads if you desire. The tutorial includes 28 colour step-by-step photographs, detailed written instructions, Tips and Notes for you to create your own version of this gorgesous necklace. This is a tutorial only. Thank you for looking.
Copyright 2010 Melissa Ingram. By purchasing this tutorial/pattern you agree to respect international copyright law. This tutorial is intended for private use by a sole individual. Any other use, including, teaching/education, copying for distribution or commercial use, is strictly prohibited without express written consent of the copyright holder.